вторник, 15 февраля 2011 г.

Fiji attracts record number of international tourist arrivals

Fiji attracts record number of international arrivalsbearing from the provisional international visitor numbers recently released by the Attorney General and Minister of Tourism, Mr. Syed Aiyaz-Khaiyum, Fiji is an explosion on the target to attract record numbers to 2010. provisional figure minister release, which showed Fiji would have welcomed some 620 000 International arrivals in 2010, has been reinforced by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics of the actual numbers for October released this week. 

They show welcomed the appointment of more than 59,290 foreign visitors in October 2010 with strong profit percentage achieved, particularly in Australia, China and India.

59290 result is 11.36% higher compared with the 53,243 achieved in October 2009. More specifically, it brings International arrivals for the period January-October 2010 527,822 - a massive 17.5% increase over the 448,916 figure reached by the same 10 months in 2009.

Australian rates again continued to dominate total visitors Fiji arrival picture. 32,101 figure recorded for the month is a huge 54.14% of the total number of 59,290 visitors arriving generally reached in October. 32,101 figure brings the total Australian arrivals 10-month period to 263,494. This in itself represents a six percent increase over the 248,589 Australian visitor total Fiji achieved through the full 12-month period from January to December 2009.

New Zealand arrived in Fiji in October, has also increased, the figures show a total of 9,368 New Zealanders visited destination in a month. This figure is 6.52 more than the 8795 rate achieved during the same period in 2009, pressing the Kiwis consumption of Fiji for 10 month period January-October 2010 84 869. This amounts to 7.73% compared with 78,778 in total achieved through the appropriate 10 month period in 2009.

United States illustrates the numbers are too positive growth increased to 4,246 per month - profit by 7,2% compared to 3961 made for the same period in 2009 - bringing the U.S. arrivals for the period January-October 2010 43 960. This represents 3.89% growth over 42,313 achieved during the corresponding period of 10 months in 2009

Tourism Fiji and its industrial partners continues its efforts in China and India continue to bear fruit, with both countries registering impressive gains per cent, 58.27% and 51%, respectively.


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