понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

In the journey after a safari with the outside world on wildlife and conservation Wilds

I travel after a safari with the outside world in the Wilds wildlife conservationyou dine by the light open fires, sleep in a tent and waking up to safari to see the antelopes, zebras, rhinos, giraffes and camels. When your adventure ends, you return to your car for the short ride back to the outside world - in Ohio.

All this is part of the experience offered in the Wilds, a sprawling wildlife conservation Center on almost 10,000 acres, or about two-thirds the size of Manhattan, about 80 miles east of Columbus.

Two years ago, opened the Nomad Wilds Ridge, a camp of yurts - circular tents, situated on stilts on the anchor in the direction of a wooded ridge.

Inspiration came from a portable, travel accommodation observed in the ex-Executive Director Evan Blumer and other members of the Wilds' staff while working on projects in Mongolia.

Differentiation, these yurts, unlike those found in Mongolia, are luxury tents with all the amenities high-end hotel rooms, including water and electricity.

Wilds "nine" Yurt forests "are available for booking during the week from May to October, as well as one large" big tent "with air conditioning and heat, others have not, it can be used in year round.

Overnight Package with dinner on the night coming and breakfast the next morning - food, created by professional chefs at the facility and to distinguish the Ohio game, produce and wine - plus a guided safari on the grounds to see the wide range of animals or from private bus (Wildes prefers the term "transport") or an open-air car. Practice limited to adults 21 or older.

Evenings and informal, with guests sipping drinks around the campfire and watch from the deck as the sun sets on the buffalo and deer are concentrated in the pasture below. Night in a yurt, a canvas outer wall of wind whipped a slap on the ridge, and the morning after breakfast, you go to the safari. Freely wandering exotic animals are observed for several hours.

Wilds is a partner of Columbus Zoo, and Wilds Wildlife endangered species is part of its mission. His animals are wild asses, endangered horse-like animals native of Iran and other Middle Eastern and Asian countries. Two wild asses were born in the jungle last summer.

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